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Total Records: 28 - Group: BBB / Category: BEAUTY CARE / Subcategory: SPAS
Record Name
1Bath House BACK TO THE FUTURE PART III 1990 FilmBeauty CareSpas

Bath House
Bath service in Hill Valley in 1885.

2Beverly Glen Spa TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Beverly Glen Spa
Lyndsey gets Alan a gift certificate.

3Droid Spa STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS 2008 Animated SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Droid Spa
Maintenance bar for droids that distracts R2-D2 from his hogan fruit mission with C-3PO.

4Fountain of Youth Spa IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA 2005 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Fountain of Youth Spa
Spa where Dee makes new Range Rover friends.

5The Golden Door Spa FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

The Golden Door Spa
Spa Frasier considers for his vacation before deciding to take a trip with Martin.

6Golian Spa STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Golian Spa
Kira mentions wanting to go to the Golian Spa on Bajor.

7The Good Face Spa THE GOOD PLACE 2016 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

The Good Face Spa
Tahini invites Jason to a spa day to get some alone time, but Jason brings Chidi along for help. The sign on the building is The Good Face Spa, but later they're wearing robes that say Kingdom Calm Spa.

8Good Fortune Day Spa SKYSCRAPER 2018 FilmBeauty CareSpas

Good Fortune Day Spa
Luxury health club in The Pearl.

9Hoobishan Baths STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE 1993 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Hoobishan Baths
Location on the planet Trill, from various episodes.

10Indulge SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Spa at the Chatsworth House: A Marriott Experience featured in Latitudes, Southwest Airlines' in flight magazine.

11Intensity Day SpaDAYS OF OUR LIVES 1965 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Intensity Day Spa
Health spa owned by Maggie Kiriakis.

12Kingdom Calm Spa THE GOOD PLACE 2016 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Kingdom Calm Spa
Tahini invites Jason to a spa day to get some alone time, but Jason brings Chidi along for help. The sign on the building is The Good Face Spa, but later they're wearing robes that say Kingdom Calm Spa.

13La Porte D'Argent FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

La Porte D'Argent
Exclusive day spa with Silver and Gold level programs.

14Lavender Day Spa FRIENDS 1994 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Lavender Day Spa
Corporate spa chain where Rachel finds out Phoebe works.

15Malibu Day Spa TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Malibu Day Spa
Alan gets a reminder phone call message for his bikini wax.

16The Mingled Waters Health Spa THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesBeauty CareSpas

The Mingled Waters Health Spa
By taking a new car for a test drive at the Springfield Bentley car dealership, Homer gets a gift certificate for a three-hour getaway to The Mingled Waters Health Spa.

17Old Vilna Bath House BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 2013 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Old Vilna Bath House
Bath house where Jake and Gintars go make their Gape clothing deal.

18The Posh Wash THE GOOD PLACE 2016 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

The Posh Wash
Victoria Beckham's ultra-exclusive private spa. The most coveted invitation in England. Membership is based on weight and net worth. "Gain a pound or lose a pound and you're out."

19The Relaxation ZoneTHE HOUSE 2017 FilmBeauty CareSpas

The Relaxation Zone
The name Frank gives the new spa/massage parlor area in the house.

20Roman Spa SLIDERS 1995 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Roman Spa
Einmen Entertainment's The Arcade is the world's cutting edge, state of the art family entertainment center, featuring role-playing activities The Civil War and Emergency, as well as the Roman Spa for relaxation. "There are no limits at the Arcade", "The funnest place in the world"

21Rub Hub FUTURE MAN 2017 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Rub Hub
Massage parlor advertised on the Community Directory in the Mons camp in the new future.

22Serena SpaSCOOBY-DOO! LEGEND OF THE PHANTOSAUR 2011 Animated FilmBeauty CareSpas

Serena Spa

23The Shangri-la Spa EUREKA 2006 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

The Shangri-la Spa
Spa in Eureka that Zoe and Grace visit.

24Smooth Operator Bikini Waxes PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Smooth Operator Bikini Waxes
Local business that Leslie mentions.

25Soiled DoveRANGO 2011 Animated FilmBeauty CareSpas

Soiled Dove
Bath house.

26Stagnant Springs Health Spa THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Stagnant Springs Health Spa
Where J. Lo hit P.Diddy upside the head with Gary Coleman. "Follow the Smell"

27Therapie Spa PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

Therapie Spa
Spa, stop on Tom and Donna's day of treating themselves.

28The Vusattasen Aqua-treatment FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesBeauty CareSpas

The Vusattasen Aqua-treatment
Treatment available at the La Porte d'Argent day spa. Frasier: "I feel as if I'd had a rebirthing experience."

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